<Torna all'elencoRigo srl presents its new web site
Our new web site is on line now; modern, practical and appealing, it’s at your disposal to stay updated on new products, find the information that you need for your work, and why not, for your hobbies and leisure.
Surf on and right from here will start your journey to discover the world Rigo, whether you look for our products, technical data, brochures or general catalogs! Everything at your reach! It will be easy to look for tips, news, and get right answer or simply to contact us.
From you can easily reach social networks: Facebook, YouTube, and subscribe to our newsletter.
To learn more, read the article about the web site in the Trade Magazine Color & Hobby Ed. 355 September pages 64 and 65 by downloading it at below link:
The entire magazine can be viewed and downloaded at the following link:
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Till the next time!