<Torna all'elencoWorking together means success!
Celebration of the first 70 years of Rigo’s activity in the world of painting narrated and illustrated by the Trade Magazine Colore & Hobby
Under the slogan “Working together means success” Trade Magazine Colore&Hobby in its edition of November 2014 narrated and illustrated the Convention Rigo which took place at the Caffè Teatro on September 25, 2014. The event that merrily gathered company’s agents, customers, suppliers, employees and friends who have helped us to grow and make our brand well-known over the years.
The watchful journalist eye captured the most important minutes narrated by simple but significant words and images and caught friendly and warm atmosphere that everybody felt.
We invite you to read this interesting article which will take you to our world made of work, commitments and dedication, but also of joy, enthusiasm and friendship. The article and the entire Trade Magazine are downloadable at the links below.
Enjoy your reading!