<Torna all'elencoKOMBI ready to dazzle you with the new product!
Rigo is ready to surprise you with another innovative product: KOMBI!
Responding to your need to join the back pack "Professional Rigo" with the transportable "paint station" on wheels, KOMBI was created.
Equipped with the TMR180E and the newest ACT-generation spray gun complete with accessories, free wheels, frame, back pack and large diameter hoses, is supplied with turnkey formula ready-to-use, providing over 2 meters of head. With Kombi you will spray what you want everywhere: ideal for both water-based and solvent-based products.
Suitable for horizontal and vertical surfaces and jobs that require flexibility and versatility. Jack of all trades of great performance and peerless versatility.
Some of you have already been able to see it in preview, since we have presented it at fairs and open days, giving us more than positive feedback. Now available for sale, do not miss the opportunity, it will be on promotion sale until the end of the year!
Download the poster and visit our website for any further info.