<Torna all'elencoThe keywords for a working company
Our positive trend is ongoing, we ended 2019 successfully and the year 2020, despite the objective difficulties caused by COVID 19 outbreak, slows down but does not stop our projects.
Our company is the one that studies its strategies and has always achieved its targets with precise time schedules although we realize that the consequences of economic problems will follow and force us to make some changes, but we want to see this moment as a new challenge, certain to emerge more united than ever.
Our team will be close-knit even more, managerial vision will not miss and the quality of our products is already well-known; with these three certainties we face the emergency serenely.
Today we have a brand identity that enables us to stand out as a market player and as a landmark for all operators in the supply chain. The authoritativeness hard-earned but consolidated within our sector enables us to go beyond the design and sale, launching a real cultural revolution within the world of spray painting, leaving preconceived ideas well behind us and disseminate the knowledge about RIGO HVLP systems.
Rigo Academy® is the outcome of these assumptions which enables us concretely to become suppliers of know-how, with a format that is aimed at end users, manufacturers of paints and varnishes, wholesalers and distributors, in an original way, but in line with the great trends of the moment. All this without forgetting to always pay the right attention to environmental sustainability and social values.
Our recently opened showroom will be the ideal meeting place to design and storytelling. It is an industrial art gallery that offers the concrete, visual and sensorial outcomes of the decorative techniques that can be created using our HVLP systems on large panels. Not a display of RIGO products, but a gallery of works achievable with RIGO thanks to the expert studies of our staff, research and development, so as to become cultural innovators by creating positive interactions both for our company and for the market .