<Torna all'elencoA big Thanks to FEL light building festival!
With a real pleasure we share with you the excellent result of our participation in the event held in Puglia, at the FEL in Bari at the end of October.
The FEL Light Construction Festival is the annual traveling event dedicated to the professional sector and this year it took place together with the SAIE.
The turn-out of the sector operators (professionals, applicators, Italian and foreign distributors / retailers, manufacturing companies, agents ...) both at our exhibition stand and at our demonstration area, payoffs the commitments undertaken and shows clearly that our company is on the right path, not only to grow, but above all to always be a valuable ally for the sector.
A high participation of artisans, professionals and interested retailers who are eager for training courses and news, is an exciting result of three days fair, which pleasantly ended our storage of catalogs, three hours before the end of the event 😊
A very high interest among those present at the FEL was aroused the preview presentation of our “RigoAcademy” project, the itinerant professional training course, to discover all secrets of spray painting, with HVLP Rigo systems, which will revolutionize spray painting bringing it protagonist also in decoration, thanks to the mastery of the master decorator Professor Michele Giannuzzi Perfetti, who will hold the courses.
The spontaneous encounter between applicators and retailers is a fundamental moment of dialogue and confrontation to really understand their needs so our Academy has turned out to be a winning proposal.
Thanks to FEL, which despite being a national event, has been able to welcome many foreign visitors, looking for quality products. Once again, we realized how much value a Made in Italy product has in the world and our production, all made in Italy, has not gone unnoticed.