<Torna all'elencoRigo exhibits at the FAF 2019 International Fair for buildings, architecture and design in Cologne Germany
we are pleased to announce our participation as exhibitors at the FAF fair in Cologne - Hall 8, Stand 426, from 20 to 23 March 2019, where we will present to the public of professionals, retailers, German and international wholesalers our best performing products which, in their specific price and application categories are unmatched on the market.
For the second time in the last three years we take part at the international fair in Germany FAF: Farbe, Ausbau & Fassade.
We enthusiastically adhere to this important event for the following reasons:
• The good results achieved by participating in the past 2016 edition in Munich
• the European and global dimension of the event
• the opportunity to offer, alongside our biggest international competitors, 100% Made in Italy smart alternatives to professionals in the sector
Therefore do not miss it!
... but if you really can't be there follow us on fb