<Torna all'elencoGeneral Catalogue
Here we are at the official presentation of our New General Catalogue! It may seem a simple graphic/textual container illustrating products and services, but we did not want it to be just a list of items, boring to browse and unattractive.
Our project is very ambitious: to take our reader along a journey of knowledge of our Company through our products and our mission.
We ask you to take the time to read it and discover what we like to call: “Rigo’s world”
The old General Catalogue that appears on our cover shows the history of our Company founded in 1944… it highlights the sectors of use and brings to the forefront our best seller: HVLP system consisting of ACT-AS plus turbine TMR180E.
The catalogue pages wish to provide a precise idea of who we are to all these people that do not know us yet and prove of our commitment to our loyal customers.
Rigo Academy with courses and commitment to training
Rigo Sanitary front line for our Health protection
Rigo for the Community with help projects like ColorAid
Rigo for Culture and Art that involved ArtColorBike
Our social channels: facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube that has a dedicated page with a useful list of QR codes that allow to watch videos and find out more about products and advantages of our professional spray system.
At last but not least the catalogue includes for the first time, all four categories of our production:
• HVLP line: high volume low pressure
• HP line: high pressure
• LVLP: low volume low pressure
• 1KPU line: spray guns for polyurethane foam
Our intent is to provide our retailers, and our agents with a basic and complete tool to advise the final client in choosing the most suitable equipment. Please do not forget to download the catalogue from this email!
We remind you that for further information regarding all Rigo products the individual catalogs, flyers, brochures and technical sheets are always valid… can download them from our website:
Please choose the Rigo item most suitable to your needs and make the difference!
Enjoy Rigo equipment …. it is our wish, we are on the side of those who paint and beyond!