<Zurück zur ListeRIGO, landmark for the spray painting, takes the field with the sanitization.” From: "Il Sole 24 ORE"
"Il sole 24 ORE" is the most popular economic-financial daily newspaper in its sector, it deals with economics, politics and all news related to the regulatory and tax sector; it is considered a reliable updating tool for professionals, entrepreneurs, public administration executives and financial investors, therefore it is an honor and privilege for us to have been chosen as a representative Company in the province of Varese for the press report:
“Varese – Economic territory of excellence for professionalism and business courage.
The prestigious national newspaper “Il sole 24 ORE” had dedicated us and interview entitled “ RIGO landmark for the spray painting, takes the field with the sanitization.”
Our historical Company had the opportunity to share its characteristics, but above all the skills to be active and evolutionary even during this period of global emergency.
Thanking to the business courage of the Owner Mr. Riccardo Rigolio and thanking to the professionalism of our Staff, Rigo managed to invest also in sanitization and training.